Michele M. Gulizia, MD, FESC

Medical Doctor, born in Catania, Italy, on May 28th, 1960; father of two daughters.

Qualifications obtained to date

  • Obtained a scientific senior school diploma in July 1978 with a mark of 54/60.
  • Started attendance at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Catania University in November 1978.
  • Attended intensively, as a resident student, the Institute of Microbiology of Catania University, director Prof. G. Nicoletti, from January 1979 to December 1980, also taking part in full-time scientific research;
  • Attended intensively, as a resident student, the Institute of Medical Pathology of Catania University, director Prof. P. Polosa, from March 1982 to August 1983, where he was engaged in ward service and full-time research;
  • Was a resident student at the Cardiology Service and the Centre for Hypertension and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases of the " S. Luigi - S. Currò " Hospital, Local Health Company no. 34 of Catania, where he worked full-time mainly in echocardiography, stress tests, dynamic ECG and polygraphy, as well as working in clinical cardiology and arterial hypertension therapy, from September 1st, 1983 to July 4th, 1984. Continued from July 5th, 1984 to May 1st, 1988 with the qualification of resident medical assistant.
  • Was awarded a degree in Medicine and Surgery at Catania University on July 5th, 1984 with a mark of 110/110 cum laude, nominated for the Francacaviglia Award with entitlement of publication of degree thesis;
  • After degree obtained licence for professional practice in State Examinations of 1984, with mark of 180/200;
  • Member of the Order of Doctors, February 2nd, 1985;
  • Passed admission examinations for 1st year of Cardiology Specialization School of Catania University in December 1984.
  • Obtained diploma as Cardiology Specialist from Catania University on November 25th, 1988, with mark of 50/50 cum laude;
  • Obtained diploma as Sport Medicine Specialist from Catania University on October 23rd, 1992, with mark of 50/50;
  • From March 1st to July 6th, 1985 regularly attended the three-month specialization course in Mono-Bidimensional Echocardiography organized by the Cardiology Division of Modena University, director Prof. G. Mattioli, obtaining the final diploma, also working at the laboratories of invasive and non-invasive cardiological diagnostics and the intensive coronary therapy unit as a resident;
  • In the same period passed the specialist course in Angiology by the final examinations of the three-month course organized by the Specialization School for Angiology and Vascular Surgery of Modena University, director Prof. Tuscano;
  • Worked as resident in wards and clinics of the Hypertension Group of the 1st Medical Clinic, director Prof. A. Salvetti, of Pisa University, from February 2nd to 18th, 1987, and from April 1st to 18th, 1989;
  • As first classified in the Public Examinations List, was appointed permanent medical assistant for cardiology at the Cardiology Service and Hypertension and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Centre of the "S. Luigi - S. Currò" Hospital, Local Health Company no. 34 of Catania, from May 1st, 1988 to April 20th, 1994;
  • From April 21st, 1994 to October 30th, 1995 was senior cardiology medical assistant with hospital responsibility (qualification revised by Law Decrees 502/92 and 517/93 as Medical Director of 1st level, category A) at the Cardiology Service as above, having passed public examinations for first appointment as cardiology assistant at aforesaid Service.
  • From October 31st, 1995 to January 31st, 2001 was Cardiology Medical Director of 1st level at the Cardiology with Intensive Coronary Therapy Unit (ICCU) of the "G. Garibaldi" Hospital of the High-Specialization and National Relevance Hospital Enterprise of Catania, following appropriate classification in internal transfer list by qualifications;
  • Since February 1st, 2001 to October 2005 he was Chief of Cardiology (Director of Complex Structure - former level 2 director) of the Cardiology Unit of the "S. Luigi – S. Currò " Hospital.
  • Since October 2005 he became the Chief of Cardiology Department of "Garibaldi-Nesima" Hospital, the newest Cardiology Unit of the same Enterprise.
Additional activities

  • Visiting cardiologist from August 1989 to January 10th, 2000 for District Prisons of Catania (Piazza Lanza) and Bicocca (Province of Catania) by contractual agreement with the Director General of Penal Institutes of the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • On October 1st, 1999 was awarded a study grant for four months by the ANMCO (National Association of In-Hospital Cardiologists), for a "SPECIALIZATION COURSE IN DOPPLER COLOR FLOW ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY", to be followed at Cardiology Division A of the S. Camillo Hospital, Rome (Director Prof. P.L. Prati). In this period, in addition to specializing in the cardiac echocolordoppler, also studied aspects of the functional evaluation of cardiopathics, in particular in the acute and post-acute phase of myocardial infarct, carrying forward an intense activity of the compromised myocardium and performing numerous tests of pharmacological induction of cardiac ischemia (dipyridamole, dobutamine, etc) and working in particular in the wards of the Coronary Unit (director Dr. Alessandro Boccanelli)
  • From December 28th, 1988 to October 1995 was entrusted with the directorship of the Cardiology Service and Hypertension and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Centre of the "S. Luigi – S. Currò " Hospital, former Local Health Company no. 34 of Catania, now the "Garibaldi" Hospital Enterprise, thereby applying the professional experience acquired at Italian and European centres to the increase of external services rendered (around 12,000 per patients/year), the diffusion of awareness of the centre to users of the province and region, and enhancing the centre's activity in the study and treatment of arterial hypertension, in the application of prevention in schools and in the study of coronary risk factors with particular respect to hypercholesterolemia;
  • Since October 1995 to January 2001, working at the Cardiology Division with Intensive Coronary Therapy Unit of the "Garibaldi" Hospital (ICCU directed by Dr. S. Mangiameli), he has perfected operating techniques for implants of pacemakers, biventricular and antitachycardia/cardiac defibrillator devices, performing implantations as first operator (as recorded and signed by Division Director and by the Healthcare Manager of the "Garibaldi" Hospital);
  • In the same period, Gulizia has worked mainly on Cardiac Heart Failure, increasing diagnostic and therapeutic activities (also electrical) for this pathology, and receiving an appointment as Director for Cardiac Heart Failure Program following decision no. 471 dated September 15th, 1999 of the Special Commission of the "G. Garibaldi" Hospital Enterprise of Catania (APPOINTMENTS WITH MANAGERIAL RESPONSIBILITY). Was one of the first at world-wide level to perform tri-chamber pacemaker implants (with stimulation also of left ventricle via a coronary vein) in patients of this type;
  • In October 1999 attended two training courses at major USA university hospitals: BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, Houston (Texas) and NEW YORKHOSPITAL - CORNELL UNIVERSITY, New York.
Clinical and scientific activity

  • As resident student of the Institute of Medical Pathology of Catania University and later of the Cardiology Service and the Centre for Hypertension and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases, Local Health Company no. 34 of Catania, worked intensively in wards (from May 2nd, 1988 as Permanent Cardiology Assistant and from April 21st, 1994 to October 30th, 1995 as senior cardiology medical assistant with joint hospital responsibility of the Cardiology Service and Arterial Hypertension Centre of the "S. Luigi – S. Currò " Hospital, and then since October 31st, 1995 at the Cardiology Division with Intensive Coronary Therapy Unit (ICCU) of the "Garibaldi" Hospital) working on stress tests, dynamic ECG and polygraphy, and mainly on monobidimensional and colordoppler echocardiography, and cardiac pacemakers, and also engaging in clinical cardiologic service and assistance in the Intensive Coronary Therapy Unit;
  • Published experimental degree thesis as a supplement to international medical journal "Clinica Europea", no. 2, March-April 1984;
  • Substitute for general practitioner with over 100 patients from May 8th to 21st, 1986;
  • Medical Director for Catania Diving School (registered trademark), carrying forward an intense activity of instruction and emergency medical assistance, with regard in particular to Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, serving as "Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Instructor" from June 1987;
  • While serving as medical doctor for Catania Diving School, was Medical Director for two Women's World Records for Deep Diving with air-breathing apparatus, obtaining Italian and international acknowledgements from specialized press and presenting the scientific data obtained at national and international conferences;
  • Teacher at the "A. De Maria" Professional Nursing School of Local Health Company no. 34 of Catania from 1986 to 1989;
  • In December 1985 took part in the Italian Group for Echocardiographic Study of Cardiopathic Ischemia, coordinated by Prof. Zardini, assisting in the compilation of a National Standardization Protocol for mono-bidimensional echocardiograhy reports;
  • Member since January 1987 of the ANMCO (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF IN-HOSPITAL CARDIOLOGISTS). In the same association he was elected Regional President and member of the National Council since May 2002 to June 2006;
  • Member since 1988 of the AIC (ITALIAN CARDIOSTIMULATION ASSOCIATION), met since December 1998 to the AIAC (ITALIAN ASSOCIATION OF ARRHYTHMOLOGY AND PACING), and elected as member of the National Executive on December 4th, 1998. Appointed and elected since April 28th, 2000 to April 2002 as National Director of Italian Regional Delegates for the same association.
  • Since March 31st, 2006 he was elected as National Vice-President of the AIAC National Board; since January 2007 he was nominated National Elected President for the years 2008-2010.
  • National President of AIAC since april 2008 to april 2010. Actual National Past President;
  • Member since March 6th, 1998 of the Heart Failure Group of the ANMCO;
  • Was Member of Editorial Committee of the "GIORNALE ITALIANO DI ARITMOLOGIA E CARDIOSTIMOLAZIONE", published by Centro Scientifico Torinese Editore with responsibility for the "STUDY PROTOCOLS" section, than reviewer for the same journal and for the Italian Heart Journal, the Journal of Cardiovascular Disease and Europace;
  • Invited since February 24th, 1993 to participate in the International Scientific Council of the AMERICANCOLLEGE OF ANGIOLOGY (Roslyn, New York), taking part with the qualification of Fellow (F.A.C.A.);
  • Since February 2002 is INSTRUCTOR for BLSD (BASIC LIFE SUPPORT DEFIBRILLATION), in compliance with European Resuscitation Council guidelines; also he is Course Direct for BLSD courses. Provider and proposed instructor of ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) Course Training;
  • As Hospital Doctor has attended over 56 cardiology residential training courses, most lasting over three months and with final examinations;
  • As invited Speaker has presented over 290 papers at regional, national and international conferences and professional medical training courses, and has attended over 300 national and international conferences, often presenting abstracts;
  • Since academic year 2001/2002 was invited to present a series of supplementary lessons for the 1st year of the Cardiology Specialization School of Catania University, lecturing on non-invasive diagnostic techniques: "ERGOMETRICS AND DYNAMIC ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY";
  • Since 1985 he has been Chairman, Investigator or Co-Investigator for clinical applications in the development of drugs and cardiac devices in study phases 2, 3 and 4, following over 100 experimental study protocols in hospitals and clinics, of national and international interest, both multicenters projects and otherwise, most of which under the control of the American FDA Food & Drug Administration, taking an active part in the development of new molecules and of new therapeutic applications of modern drugs for the treatment of cardiac ischemia, arterial hypertension, arrhythmias and heart failure, and also in the study of the metabolic alterations associated with these last;
  • Has attended 11 training courses and/or study grant courses at national and international hospital and university centers;
  • Has received numerous letters of national and international acknowledgement for professional activities and the interest demonstrated in cardiology;
  • Holder of 3 International Memberships;
  • Successfully attended the MANAGEMENT TRAINING COURSE for NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE MANAGERS: ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT UNDER NEW EXAMINATION STRUCTURE (as per Law Decree 502/92) and the newest one for Structure Directors at CEFPAS (Sicily) – Regional Programs - Regional Government Courses (one year attendance) in 2005-2006, successfully passing the final examinations and obtaining title and credits;
  • Over 250 scientific publications;
  • He organized several national congresses of Arrhythmology (AIAC), 5 regional congress of Cardiology (ANMCO), more than 60 scientific cardiologic events (congresses, courses, symposia, debates, etc) in Italy, more than 30 BLSD courses, and all the editions of the Mediterranean Cardiology Meeting of which he is the president.
  • Excellent spoken and written English/American, as demonstrated by numerous papers delivered by invitation at international conferences and by articles published in English in international journals.
dr. Michele M. Gulizia